Hello. Welcome to The Tongue Trail.

We are two young creators from Venkateshwar Global School and we’ve embarked on this beautiful journey of canvasing your mind with the enchanting, mysterious whispers of the world. One of the most fundamental characteristics of human nature is a soul’s desire to explore reality and search for meaning in the universe – the mind longs to understand.  Language is the medium by which we can think about and describe our understandings of reality.  let us take you though this beautiful trek in the caves of these melodies.

2019- International Year Of Indigenous Languages.

Why Indigenous languages?

Knowledge– Unique systems of knowledge and understanding of the world.
Peace– Sustainable development, investment, peace building and reconciliation.
Rights– Fundamental human rights and freedoms for indigenous people.

Inclusion– Social inclusiveness, literacy, poverty reduction and international cooperation.
Diversity– Cultural values, diversity and heritage.

Beauty, like all concepts, can be interpreted within a framework.  Consider a materialistic interpretation of reality.  Our innate attraction to beauty would have to come from the evolutionary process – certain characteristics increasing fitness and thus creating attractive impulses.  As language developed, these impulses created the concept of beauty.  This interpretation reduces beauty to a source of pleasure – whether manifest as crude physical or as sophisticated intellectual; as a stimulus for action; as a collective culture of excitement and thrill.  Regardless of its form, it is controlled by ego and unable to transcend this limited earthy existence

We’ve broken down this journey into little nuggets for you. One week, Seven countries. Stay tuned folks!

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